इष्टम् ISHTAM
Atma Vidya | Yoga Vidya | Kriya Vidya
Atma Vidya
आत्मा विद्या
Light on Self
Who We Are REALLY! – Self the Secret of Secrets.
Already mesmerised by the Truth, one word captures the human spirit and holds us all hostage.
The first name of the whole human race, ‘I’ is the PIN code, the password that unlocks and frees us all.
Self-knowledge, ATMA VIDYA आत्मा विद्या no longer hidden in taboo and orthodoxy explodes the meaning of the word ‘I’ to reveal the secret of human consciousness and solve the mystery of being human once and for all.
Yoga Vidya
योग विद्या
Light on Yoga
ISHTA Mala: A Practice for Life
ISHTA Mala is a yoga sequence designed for everyday living. Fitting every individual time frame and ability, ISHTA Mala makes staying healthy easy. To become adept at ISHTA Mala takes just a practice a day.
Kriya Vidya
क्रिय विद्या
Light on Kriya
The Great Siddha Kriya Breath.
Searching for the limit of the human being the Siddha’s of Tamil Nadu found the limitless. Over thousands of years, the Siddha Kriya Method of breathing has been used to systematically turn the human body into its own nuclear power plant. Rising above the natural to the supernatural, the Siddha Kriya method is the serious yogi’s next step.
About John
“The sign of a true teacher is when he can share his knowledge in a way that inspires, helps us to understand concepts and ideas through our own deep knowing and experiences, as well as leave us with the desire to want to know more. John is this kind of teacher.” Jodi Boone, Seattle Washington
At peace we are at our most powerful
John Weddepohl | Siddharthan सिद्धार्थन
Describing himself as a vagabond, rogue and rascal John Weddepohl has been blessed with teachers. South African born in Johannesburg, John began teaching yoga at nineteen. In 2004, in India pursuing his thirst for knowledge, John met his visionary master who initiated him in Atma Vidya Self-knowledge the glory of the veda/upanishads.
Mandated by his Guru to share the teaching, John has been sharing the knowledge spreading the wisdom ever since.

Be Careful What You Ask For
Deciding late in his life the little fame and fortune had to offer was not good enough, hoping to catch a rare glimpse of what sages and prophets call truth, John discovered that there is only Truth – we just haven’t seen it yet!
Truth being everywhere John found, the solution to all our human suffering and trauma, has never been closer than ourselves. Once our true nature as eternal is pointed out, we find perfect peace and happiness is not a destination. Already the nature of who we are: ‘In Self-knowledge one discovers the timeless completeness that is ever reached and ever present is oneself.’
Searching for Self
In 1969 at nineteen, John took to yoga like a fish to water. Urged by ISHTA founders Alan Finger and his late father Mani Finger John became an ISHTA teacher, and opened the ISHTA yoga school for them in downtown Johannesburg. Located on the top floor of the city’s first flea market, the building soon became a hotbed of anti-establishment radicalism and, under South Africa’s apartheid system, was forced to shut down by the authorities. Finding himself out of a job, a talented musician from the age of seven, John found success as a singer-songwriter performing with some of South Africa’s popular bands.

Study with John

Foundations in Atma Vidya
In this dynamic series of lectures, John takes us on a journey of revelation and understanding to the pure Self.

Upasana Meditation
A practical meditation method woven so seamlessly into our lives that not even we notice it being there.

Siddha Kriya Breathing
Calling all experienced yogis who want to learn Siddha meditation and develop their breathing expertise.
A brilliant methodology for understanding the nature of Self.
“I don’t believe there is anything I could do on this planet more valuable than gaining this teaching. What an extraordinary blessing and privilege to have the deepest and most ancient revelatory wisdom not only available but given by a living teacher in a timeless lineage of living teachers.”
Happy Students
That’s the thing with John – he doesn’t just rattle off ancient wisdoms – he engages you in a story that has you hooked from the start – the story of you – and what an amazing story!
I would be surprised if you could find another source of this knowledge presented so clearly and succinctly and from someone who does it with such grace and humility, so unassumingly.
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