I the eternal time traveller

I the eternal time traveller

I the eternal reveller & time traveller The veda upanishads declare long before you look for the eternal, or search for everlasting happiness, it has already found all of us. Without you, not only Truth, has no meaning, nothing has meaning. Already the meaning in...
Crisis is the bridge

Crisis is the bridge

Crisis is the bridge Getting the knock of our lives, ending up shaken and confused, in crisis, if we get hit hard enough, we start questioning the truth. Wanting answers to which there are no more questions, once we get such a wake up call, awakening to ourselves in...
Who is this I?

Who is this I?

Who is this I? To resolve the question of ourselves Self-knowledge challenges us to question whether indeed our ideas of who we are, are the truth. To resolve the eternal riddle and unravel the mystery that is mankind, I have to first resolve the question of myself....
In the land of the Siddhas

In the land of the Siddhas

In the Land of the Siddhas “A siddha is a free thinker and a revolutionary, refusing to allow himself to be carried away by religion, scripture, or ritual, denouncing idol worship, ritualistic practices and petitionary prayers as fetters holding back the...